Purpose of the Optimist Club

To develop Optimism as a philosophy of life. To promote an active interest in good government and civic affairs. To inspire respect for the law. To promote patriotism and work for international accord and friendship among all people. To aid and encourage the development of youth in the belief that the giving of one's self in service to others will advance the well being of humankind, his community, and the world.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Yulee Optimist Donation Made

Fill in President Mike Hankins presented Yulee High School basketball coach Jonathan Ball with a check for $300 to go towards purchasing basketballs for the upcoming season. Coach Ball was excited about the prospects for the team's season, citing an abundance of athletic talent. He invited all the members to come out and watch the young men play. Also in attendance as guest speaker was Mr. Scott Herring who is the Nassau County Engineer. Mr. Herring spoke about upcoming projects slated for the county's roadways and answered members questions about specific projects. There were 11 people at the meeting and the 50-50 pot has risen to $483! Please plan to join us next week.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We had a great meeting today, with Mr. Sam Fischer of Florida State College at Jacksonville as our guest speaker. Mr. Fischer was representing the College's Air Traffic Control program and did a great job providing information about the program and its students. We had 15 people present which included a couple of guests. 50-50 money is up in the $400's - win that and take the split home! The Optimist Club of Yulee celebrated their 16th year - wow how time flies.

Our Golf Tournament is scheduled for September 29, 2010 at the Golf Club of North Hampton. Contact Brad Morris @ 225-1015 for entry forms/hole sponsorship applications. Other contacts are Ron Noble @ 277-4499 and Tony Brauda @ 491-7255

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

We had a great meeting Tuesday with a number of guests visiting. In addition to our speakers, County Commission candidates Steve Kelley and George Spicer, we had Steve's wife Bernice, prospective members Larry Parker and his wife, and Miss Kendall, Ron and Emmie's granddaughter and future President.

The County Commission candidates made a strong case for you vote and there was a vibrant discussion of the issues. Please plan to join us next week for a day of Optimism!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wow! What a large turn out at today's meeting - the most we've had in a long while, 18 in attendance! President Ron Noble welcomed all members and their guests then inducted new members Kara Williams and Carla Higginbotham. Ron turned the meeting over to Ms. Jennifer Bessee with Communities and Schools, who gave a very informative presentation on the services that they provide our youth. The Golf Tournament committee confirmed that the tournament will be held at North Hampton with the date yet to be determined. The unwon 50-50 pot is now at $380+ so plan to join us next week and maybe it will be your lucky day!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 21, 2010

We had a great turn out of members and guests today. President Ron Noble made a few announcements: It looks like our Golf Tournament will be scheduled for September of October and probably will remain at North Hampton. Ron also passed around a flyer from the N. Florida Christian Bass Club seeking participation and sponsorships. He then introduced Ms. Kara Williams and Carla Higginbotham who were there on behalf of Family Support Services, an organization that works to provide services to families and youth who may be having some life challenges. Ron invited both to join our club and with a surprise but generous gesture, Tony Brauda with First Coast Community Bank offered to pay their application fee and dues for the remainder of the year. Thank you Tony, FCCB and welcome Kara and Carla! At the end of the meeting the 50-50tickets were drawn, a card pulled, and torn to leave the deck at 30 cards and $360 in the pot! Please plan to join us next week and remember, "You can't win unless you attend!"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

We had a full table today with a very interesting speaker, Ms. Staphanie Rutan, with the White Oak Conservation Center. Ms. Rutan filled the club in on what's been going on at the Center and then took questions, and more questions, and more questions! Our esteemed President Ron Noble reminded us that our club will be hosting the Zone meeting July 28th and asked for door prizes for the event. Please let him know if you have anything you would like to donate. Please plan to join us next week. You gotta eat lunch so you might as well join us!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We had a very informative meeting today with Mr. Ken Willette of the Nassau County Council on Aging as our guest speaker. Mr. Willette provided information on the services the Council provides to our elderly such as transportation, food delivery, in-home care, etc. With a constant need for funding, especially for food related items, the Club voted to donate $250 to the Council to help in that area. President Ron Noble attended the District Conference held in Jacksonville over the weekend and was presented with a "Governors Cup" for the Club's efforts in increasing membership and community service. Ron gave notice that the Yulee Optimist will host the zone meeting on Wednesday, July 28th at Murray's Grille, 6pm. Please mark that on your schedule and let's have a great turn-out for the Zone. Next week's speaker will be Ms. Deborah Bowen of Earthly Treasures. Plan to join us and learn about GOLD!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tuesday May 11, 2010

The meeting was a huge success with the Honorable Ron Noble, President, presiding. Club member Dave O'Keefe and his wife, Bonnie we'll be leaving the area soon for a few months to return to Rhode Island for the summer months. Dave spoke about the thrills and challenges of living on a 40' boat and presented pictures of the boat and the area. The 50-50 pot is up to $292 and waiting for a lucky winner - you gotta "attend to win"! The speaker next week will be Mr. Ken Willette with the Nassau County Council on Aging.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tuesday May 4, 2010

We had Mr. Bob Sieg along with his wife from the "Sons of the Confederacy" speak at our meeting Tuesday and they provided historical information about their group, all descendants of Confederate soldiers. Our esteemed President gave a report on the Shrimp Festival Parking fundraiser, confirming that we had another successful year, grossing $1680. 10% will go to the Shrimp Festival Committee, as per the rules, but the balance will stay with the Club. New members Bonnie and Dave O'Keefe are pictured putting in their volunteer hours. Thank you all for helping out this year!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We had a great meeting today with 13 in attendance to hear Ms. Muriel Creamer speak about the Nassau County School Board and our schools in general. She provided plenty of information. After she spoke our President, Ron Noble, inducted Ms. Creamer into the club as a new member. Muriel was a charter member of the Yulee Optimist Club and a past President - it's great to have her back! Don't forget, Shrimp Festival is this weekend; if you signed up to volunteer at the parking lot, please plan to be there; we appreciate it and the kids do too!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20, 2010

We had a great group today, 14 in all, with Mike Hankins filling in superbly as President with Ron Noble out of town and unable to preside. Lt. Bill Leeper with the Florida Highway Patrol made an outstanding presentation relating to safety and the perils of driving on our highways. Also attending as a guest of guest and former member County Tax Collector John Drew, was Mr. Barry Holloway, Nassau County Commissioner, and candidate for re-election. My Barry Holloway spoke for a brief time on his term as commissioner and candidacy. The 50-50 pot has climbed to $258, and went unclaimed again. Please plan to join us next week!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesday April 13, 2010

We had a great meeting today, with 17 members and guests attending. Our speaker, Maggie DeVries, spoke about the books she has written about Amelia Island, the writing profession, and about her recent acquisition of the book store, Books Plus. Our President, Ron Noble, also inducted back in to the club Paul Clark of Paul Clark Ford. Mike Hankins was the lucky winner and had a chance to draw for the Joker and the $247 pot, but it was not to be

Please plan to attend next week to hear speaker Lt. Bill Leeper of the Florida Highway Patrol

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

They Yulee Optimist welcomed Ms. Hailey Hallmark as a visitor to the club. Ms. Hallmark is an excellent student and is planning to continue her education at college. The Club awarded Hailey a scholarship at the meeting. Guest Speaker was Ms. Robin Hampton, representing the Family Nurturing Center. There were approximately 16 members and guest in attendance to hear Ms. Hampton, and all vied for the 50-50 pot later in the meeting, now at $222. Please plan to join us next week!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

The Club enjoyed Mrs. Annette Myers as our guest speaker today. President Ron Noble inducted new members Brad Morris and Claudia Willette into the club. Claudia was also presented with the "90 Day Wonder Award" for sponsoring Karen Hurbean into the club and she also received a sponsor pin. Please plan to join us next week for a presentation of a scholarship!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident". Nassau County Clerk John Crawford was our guest speaker today and had a great presentation on the history of our nation's Declaration of Independence. We had a very large crowd with (15) people attending! Our President, Ron Noble, inducted Bonnie O'Keeffe and Beth Clark into the Club as new members. Welcome Bonnie and Beth! The 50-50 pot is now up to $191! Please plan to join us next week..and bring a guest!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

We had a very large turnout today with (16) in attendance. Mr. Jim Mayo of Baptist Health of Northeast Florida was our guest speaker and brought us up-to-date on the status of the Hospital. He also touched on the subjects of the progress and relationship with the Council on Aging and about the the national health care debate.
President Ron Noble inducted and welcomed new members Wally Messer (Green Pine Funeral Home), Tonya Bass (First Federal Bank of Florida) and Karen Hurbean (Edwared Jones)to the Optimist Club of Yulee. The 50-50 pot is now up to $175 so plan to attend next week and maybe you can take home half the pot!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We had the honorable Vicki Cannon, Supervisor of Elections for Nassau County, as guest speaker today. Mrs. Cannon brought two of her staff persons along as well to present elections material and to answer any questions about the election process in Nassau County and the State of Florida. We also had a couple of guests to bring the total in attendance to 14, a nice crowd for our weekly Optimist Club meeting.
